Call for proposals

DjangoCon Europe is created by the community for the community.
We’re extremely lucky to enjoy the best possible pool of speakers available for our event - and this includes you!

What we’d like to hear about at DjangoCon Europe

Our aim is to make a selection of talks that put together make a balanced, varied and harmonious collection of excellent material. The chances are that you have something to say that might be a perfect fit for the collection.
Talks at a DjangoCon cover the entire spectrum of interests in the community, and even some from outside it. Our audience will be ready - and hoping for - everything.
Your talk could be technical, historical, personal, political, funny, provocative - or none of those things. So, whatever it is, if you have a story to tell, a project to show off, advice to offer - anything at all that you’d like to share - please do!

Whom we’d like to hear from at DjangoCon Europe

Our speakers, just like our talks, will come from every corner of the community, and we want to present a balanced and varied selection of speakers too. You might be a seasoned expert or a new beginner, a conference veteran or a first-time attendee, a programmer, a community manager, a technical writer; you don’t even have to be a Django user, believe it or not.
And we also would like to hear from every kind of person too. The days when a DjangoCon audience was composed mainly of white men are behind us. We want to build upon the achievements of the DjangoCons of Budapest and Cardiff by ensuring that the people on stage represent our diverse community: we consider that an important aspect of a good programme of speakers.

If you feel you’re not experienced or interesting enough to be selected

You might be surprised! Why not just give it a try anyway? We’re very happy to discuss your proposal before you send it in, so if you have a doubt, please just have a chat about it. It, or you, might be exactly what we were looking for.

If you’d love to speak but don’t believe you can afford to attend

We will help! If you’re selected as a speaker and you need a free ticket or some financial assistance to cover travel, accommodation and assistance, you just have to tell us, and we will do what we can to make your attendance possible.
Please don’t hesitate to apply for financial assistance if you need it - it’s there for you. We have a budget for it, and we want to use it.
Check the Financial Assistance programme page for the details.

If you have other needs

It’s not just finances that make it hard for people to speak at conferences. If you have a condition that makes travel difficult, if you need specialist assistance or you have some other need, once again, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will do what we can to make it possible for you not just to attend as a speaker, but to enjoy it too.

Speaking slots

Regular slots will be 30 minutes each, including time for any questions if you want them.

Two conferences with one proposal

Immediately following DjangoCon Europe, and also in Florence, the Italian Python Community will stage the eighth PyCon Italia.
PyCon Italia has a dedicated Django track, under the name DjangoVillage. If you’d like your DjangoCon proposal to be considered automatically for PyCon Italia, simply select the option on the proposal form, and your proposal will be forwarded to the PyCon Italia team.
Each conference has its own schedule and programme selection, and the PyCon Italia organisers will reply to and liaise with you separately.


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