Every DjangoCon Europe is made of talks, workshops, sprints, and community moments as well. Our goal as conference organizing team is to provide all of you with the best Django experience in all its shades. We created some extra conference activities of different kinds to satisfy all Djangonauts needs. Are you getting curious? Discover below what we have prepared for all our guests!



Tuesday 4th April 2017 – 09:00 p.m.
Braumeister, via Madonna della Tosse 12/R

A Django conference is not one without a party. This social event is traditionally designed to connect participants and join Djangonauts biggest passions; and what brings people together better than craft beer? This is why we havedecided to celebrate this ninth edition in a warm and relaxing German style pub, Braumeister. Of course we outlined a programme: visit the page to learn more about DjangoCon Europe party night. The party location is in the city centre, just a few steps away from Piazza Libertà and 20 minutes walking from Cinema Odeon.



Wednesday 5th April 2017 – 08:00 p.m.  
Odeon Cinema, Piazza degli Strozzi

Odeon is the most ancient cinema in all of Florence. Therefore, screening a film seemed the most suitable activity to offer to you all. Don’t worry, you won't fall asleep on your seat. In fact, organizers chose a topic that connects Djangonauts coming from all over the world: travelling. “Low Cost Flocks”, directed by Giacomo Agnetti, depicts perfectly how low cost companies changed the way people move. DjangoCon Europe movie night is a moment of entrainment, fun, and a place to share a view of today’s world. Take part in the event and share your ideas with us!



Thursday 6th April 2017 – 10:30 am
Cascine Park

Sure, the 2017 conference venues are stunning, and to share IT knowledge immersed in Art Decò or Renaissance surroundings is amazing. Nonetheless, five days of conference is a long way to go and some of you may think about taking a break. Don't worry, we have designed some outdoor activities for you as well! Among others, the most relaxing one is barefoot walking .

get your ticket