Conference venues

DjangoCon Europe, there's more! Are you a speaker or a curious attendee? Here you find cues about the conference venues. This year we thought to go big, so we've got four different venues

The Odeon Cinema - the conference venue

A fascinating ancient movie theatre in the heart of Florence, located inside a Renaissance palace, is the conference venue from April 3rd to April 5th. DjangoCon Europe attendees will enjoy talks sitting in a stunning Art Decò auditorium. Learn more about the conference main location.

Paszkowski cafè - the lunch venue

Born as a brewery overlooking the city's fish market in 1846, is a Florentine institution and the ideal resort for lunch breaks. It is located in piazza della Repubblica , a vast quadrangolar square, only a three-minute walk from the conference venue.

Educatorio di Fuligno - the sprints venue

A Renaissance convent located along via Faenza, an ancient pilgrims' way in Florence, and a few minutes walk from Florence main train station, is the sprints venue from April 6th to April 7th. DjangoCon Europe attendees will enjoy coding in fully decorated rooms and a frescoed church.

Braumeister  - the party venue

A German style pub in the city centre, with a high quality beer selection, is the party venue on April 4th. It is a twenty-minute walk from the conference venue. Get a glimpse of  the party !